Thursday, December 9, 2010

Semester Essay #9: Future after High School

Some people go right on to college after high school; others take a year or more off to work or travel. Which do you think is the better choice? State your position and support it with specific reasons and examples.
Deciding on your future is the most crucial moment in a high school senior’s life. What do I want to do after I graduate? Am I going to make the right decision? These questions and many more run crazily in a teenagers mind. Everyone has their hopes and dreams they want to fulfill, but sometimes the hardest part is knowing where to start. Do I go straight to college or do I need to take some time off to figure out about myself a little better? I think it depends on the individual. No one can decide for you the next steps you have to take after high school. It’s your choice.
The choice after finishing high school depends entirely on the individual. Some people know what they want to do in the future and already have concrete plan to follow for the rest of their college lives. Others still need more time to decide what they want to do in life. Each has a specific goal they want to reach. Based on each individual’s personality, he or she can find out and explore even further what it is that makes them, them.
No one can force you to make a quick decision. Why do you need to have all of this added pressure? The only person that knows you is you. You have a brain that stores your memories, your logical thinking, imaginative thinking, and your feelings. Some high schools stress the students about the importance of college and gaining a higher education. It seems good but this can have a negative effect on the student. A student needs to be provided with positive suggestions that will help influence an interest to their minds. This is a better method to use than to force an idea on a person.
For me, I believe in gaining a higher education and search for more opportunities that awaits me. I love to explore to different places, countries, and environments because I feel that is what will make me a better-rounded person. Of course, I am not you and I am not them. Everyone has different identities and different circumstances. Life is about exploration and whatever someone does after high school is their choice. What does your heart tell you? Do you want to college right after high school or do you need to spend some time exploring?


  1. I'm happy to see that you have caught up. This will definitely push your grade higher.

  2. :D.... sounds nice... well as for me i shall go to college as well... if i explore i feel lazy -.-;;;;
    but............. by indcluding the arguements to both sides you managed to analyze deeper... good job standford :D

  3. I like it but there are a few sentences that should be put together. In my opinion, given the sufficient resources, I would take a year off and travel.
