Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I Am Poem

I am goofy and spontaneous.
I wonder why the meaning of "kangaroo" is "I don't understand what you're saying."
I hear nothing.
I see cherry.
I want pie.

I am goofy and spontaneous.
I pretend RATS become friends with a STAR.
I feel that boogers taste better than salts in a burger.
I touch a seaweed bun that reminded me of a nub, a freshman "new bee", or a Scooby Dooby Movie.
I worry that I might be too simple or too complex.
I cry "Mother! My sister is bothering me again!...Wait? I am an only child."
I am goofy and spontaneous.

I understand I am hungry.
I say I am a dreamer.
I dream of silly things, but...
I try not to be too prissy...or too serious.
I hope to stay true to myself and stop being brainwashed by random people.
I am goofy and spontaneous.