Wednesday, December 8, 2010

College Admissions Test

What is up with these college admissions tests? Yes, these tests are supposed to see if you have retained and fully understood the materials needed to succeed in your college courses. There are tests like the California State Testing and the SAT and the ACT. They test to see if you will be able to survive your first year of college, but you know what they are a waste of time and money for a child's education. What is the point of them? My only advice for others to achieve a passing score for college admission tests is to STUDY, STUDY, STUDY. If you study the material, you should be able to pass the test with decent flying colors, but of course it depends on your studying methods. To pass with a decent score, you definitely need to either have a tutor or attend a college admissions test workshop so that you are familiar with the material that will be on these exams. Make sure you practice on the materials whether it's English, Math, or a foreign language. Remember these college admissions tests test you on what you have learned all of those times when you were in school from Kindergarten until your senior year of high school. Don't sweat it! Just wet your face and get some sleep so you can sleep, sleep, and be REFRESHED!

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