Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Compare and Contrast Understanding and Knowledge

What is understanding? What is knowledge? Well, the point of understanding something is to be able to comprehend the subject of that matter. If you don't understand the subject, then you just know the subject without the attempt of understanding. It's common sense my dear. Believe it or not, everyone has knowledge and anyone can put words together to make something sound sensible to the human ear. Yet, people use the knowledge they obtain and misinterpret the meaning of what is supposed to be correctly understood. If you have knowledge, it is more of choice for you to understand the material or not. It's simple. I can listen to the teacher all day with the knowledge he or she gives me, but I can choose to not store the new information in my brain. The difference between knowledge and understanding can seem complex, but they are not. If you can comprehend what you are reading, then you have obtained the knowledge in your head and you rightfully chose to understand its true meaning.


  1. Good post! :) Syntax and flow is good!

  2. I like it! This really made me think about whether i understand things or I just think I do.
