Wednesday, December 8, 2010

A Vegetable I Dislike

There are so many vegetables to choose from. Vegetables are not my favorite food group but most of them I still like. But the particular vegetable that I totally dislike is spinach. UGH! The first time ate spinach! I was probably about 8 or 9 years of age. My grandmother cooked up a pot full of spinach. She poured some on portion of my plate. I looked at this slimy kelp green concoction with great disgust. I took a nibble of this "grody" piece of health and smacked my mouth. I had to force it down in order to get rid of it from my plate. I tried to smile when I faced my grandmother but she knew for sure that I didn't like the taste and gave me a popsicle to get rid of the salty taste of doom.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you went through a bad experience with spinach. From what I hear it tastes completely different cooked than it does raw. Personally I only tasted it once, fried with ham and cheese and it wasn't so bad.
