Friday, October 29, 2010

Semester Essay#4: Television Mono

Prompt-8: Research shows that the average American watches as much as six hours of television each day. Do you think this is too much? Write an essay convincing readers to spend less time in front of the TV.
Television is one of the most popular forms of entertainment. It not only has news channels, soap operas, and cartoons, but it also has movies, reality television, Spanish shows, Korean shows, comedy shows, music videos, and sometimes games. Television is one of the most popular inventions in America and the world. Since the start of its popularity, Americans watch as much as six hours a day watching television. This is an unhealthy matter to Americans of all ages because it can cause many physical and mental problems. Americans should spend less time in front of the television and more time interacting outside.
Watching too much television can cause obesity. A person will watch his or her favorite television show. In the middle of it, he or she is caught up by TV commercials. The TV commercials can advertise unhealthy foods, such as candy, chips, and soda, which will lure the person to eat this “treat”. The person will only eat the junk food and continue to watch his or her favorite show. He or she will never leave the couch and end up watching the show in his or her sleep. After that, the person repeats the cycle.
The amount of time someone spends watching TV can take away a good social life. Especially for the younger generation, television can affect a child’s brain development and sociability around other children and adults. “According to the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF):
·         Two-thirds of infants and toddlers watch a screen an average of 2 hours a day
·         Kids under age 6 watch an average of about 2 hours of screen media a day, primarily TV and videos or DVDs
·         Kids and teens 8 to 18 years spend nearly 4 hours a day in front of a TV screen and almost 2 additional hours on the computer (outside of schoolwork) and playing video games.”
Children tend to be more aggressive towards other children and adults because they see too much violence on TV shows. They become unaware of the real world because they assume that the violent acts and risks illustrated by TV characters are true. This causes many misleading messages that can confuse a child. A child will imitate what they saw on TV and use the TV character’s behavior as a way to interact with other people.
Television can have its good uses with moderation. Parents can use it to educate children about different life lessons and complicated subjects such as sex and drinking alcohol, although, they have to be mindful of the television ratings (e.g., TV-PG). It is fine to watch some entertainment with your friends and family or even by yourself but make sure watching television doesn’t become too much of a habit. Watch, at most, two hours of television and then immediately turn it off. You do not want to miss the fun that is outside your doors.

Gavin, M.L., MD. How TV Affects Your Child. Oct 2008. Website. <

Monday, October 25, 2010

Changing of Plans

Coming Soon.

My Ideal Vacation

Imagine this. As I land on foreign soil away from home, I open my eyes and peer through the airplane window. I see the beautiful mountains iced with snow at its peak far away in the distance. I walk down the stairs of the airplane and I see a beautifully historical city filled with fascinating architectural buildings, parks, rivers and bridges. As the sun's rays beam down to penetrate my skin, I quickly apply sunblock all around my body and my face. I walk down the stony roads and pass by many markets, restaurants, clothing and shoe stores, and souvenior shops. I take a taxi and I am led to the other side of the foreign land. This part of the land has incredibly soft, room temperature sand that sinks my feet onto the top layer of the cold wet beach sand. Yes, now I am at the beach. I hear a peaceful breeze gently brushing against my arms and legs. I feel the gentle kiss of the moist air refreshing my lips to a new salty taste. The oceans sparkle in the daylight showing off its beautful clear blue waters. I walk again towards a grassy area. I rub my feet back and forth between the blades of grass and I lay backwards. I am on top of this small grassy cliff and look at the sky above me. I close my eyes and breathe in the succulent air that opens my lungs and all other air passageways. After a few minutes, I open my eyes. I take out my notepad and pencil from the back of my pants pocket and draw from memory the places and scenery I have seen.


Obesity is a result from many personal and societal problems. Obesity is an unhealthy condition that can lead to another result: death. This death-related condition can be caused by peer pressure, over-eating and sometimes heredity. Peers can consist of your classmates, your friends, family members, or anyone that you work with or around. Peer pressure is something that occurs almost every minute of anyone's life. You might be pushed to do ungodly things and that amount of stress can cause you to eat excessively, just like anyone who ends up smoking or drinking to relieve all the pain. This kind of pressure can lead to over-eating. Once you eat large portions, you can never stop eating that amount of food. Next thing you know, you might have heart failures and mobility issues. Lastly, obesity can be caused by heredity. Yes, traits are passed down to the child and so forth, but this can be prevented with a simple procedure: healthy exercise and healthy eating. Obesity can be prevented by just changing your usual habits. Keeping a healthy lifestyle that fits your body type will help prevent obesity and stop eating those fast foods that appears on every corner every single day.

Two People of Different Interests and Background

Two people of different interests and backgrounds could become unlikely allies like a male or a female could become unlikely friends. It's the opposite attraction that makes two completely different people come together. Two people with different backgrounds and interest have more things or options they can explore and eventually find something in common. Otherwise, people who are the same can get bored with each other and end up separating in the long run. When I travelled to Australia and New Zealand this past summer, I hanged around my fellow delegates that had a different background from me. One was Japanese; the other was Korean; and the last one was Chinese. The four of us clicked very well and on every trip we would always make goofy jestures and laugh hysterically on random thoughts. After the last day, we all contacted each other through Facebook and email reflecting on all the adventures we had and complaining on the college process for senior year. On the trip, I didn't hang out mostly with African Americans not because I don't like them but the fact that I knew I would bore myself with conversations I have similarly heard back at home and City Honors. Working or hanging around with different people expands your knowledge of certain cultures or interests and brings around more connecions outside your usual home area. Hanging around the three Asians at Australia and New Zealand allowed me to learn different games and even helpful tips for applying to college.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Semester Essay #3: Reality Television

Prompt #20: Today, there are more and more reality shows on television. Do these shows make good television? Why or why not? Explain your answer using specific reasons and examples.

In today’s society, there are more reality television shows than the news or any shows that illustrate and tell informative information. The reality television is a form of entertainment within the younger generation, but some of these shows have writers in their staff that conducts the script for the “actors”. Not all reality television shows are real but they are perceived as if every “character” showed their “real” feelings and every situation that comes up at a certain location happened “intentionally”. Although these shows are entertaining, they do not necessarily make good television.
Many reality shows broadcast a lot of drama and violence. It is another “he said, she said” bunch of junk. Drama, action, and violence seem to be the only thing that grabs the viewer’s attention. This makes the United States a barbaric country. Many people want to see someone beat up, scratched up, and slapped around. Again, it’s a part of the entertainment that makes the viewers watch it even more and create even more suspense.
Reality shows are a bad influence to the younger generation. Even though they censor the curse words that appear in almost every sentence of the characters mouth, children and teens still know what that character has just blurted out. When children and teens see this kind of behavior, then they start to act exactly like the characters of a certain reality show. This can cause more violence and drama in school and around their peers. It is as if reality television is their “role model”.
Reality television is like virus that spreads to other kinds of shows and movies. Now, there are the news such as Fox 11 that uses scandals and gossip to make their news updates more fascinating. News broadcasts use this outrageous propaganda in order to boost up their ratings and gain a larger audience. What was once honest news became a disgraceful paparazzi chat. People now are only interested in the dirt behind the news than the true pure facts of honorable or dishonorable situations going on in ordinary citizens and the government.
It is okay to watch some type of entertainment once in awhile, but there is too much drama and unnecessary violence that leads towards a selfish society of idiots. If it’s going to be a reality show, there shouldn’t be on the credits “script writers” or any kind of writers. Many reality shows are creating a corrupt society of innocent children and teens committing harmful acts towards another individual. A corrupt society will create a more violent nation.

Imagery: Picture of Desserts

The colors I see are lemon yellow, chocolate brown, strawberry pink, fruity Skittles sprinkles, and white whipped icy cream. I can hear the corny ice cream truck music of "Pop Goes the Weasel", the cold breeze swooshing against my warm body, and a choir singing, "AHHHhhhhhh..." The desserts create a smooth, calm feeling that puts me into a dream and hunger. I feel joyful, calm, happy but I also have a crave and addition to a succulent tongue-slobbering smoothie or some fruity drink. I can taste the mouthwatering, crispy luscious ice, the crunchy, gooey chocolate fruity caramels and the sweet cherry on top. Now I'm thirsty. Don't you think?

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Outdoor Living

Dear Person,
You are missing out on the wonderful things of outdoor living. Every once in awhile you need travel to an exclusive place where there is a lot of scenery (plants, trees, and animals), fresh air, and less people to distract you. The beauty of outdoor living gives you a different outlook on life itself and cleans out the brain of any toxic incidences in your life. Outdoor living (AKA nature) can reach you to a new potential of gaining new skills that you can use in your everyday life. Nature brings more light into your eyes and can cure the abuse from smog and everyday toxins from city air. You are able to breathe much better! You will feel rejuvenated and much more alive than spending your entire time in a stuffy apartment that brainwashes you to suck in dirty and any foreign air. Yes, your apartment is your home and the city environment is what you are used to, but I challenge you to experience a different adventure. I challenge you to go row a boat down a calm stream, smell the freshly grown trees and plants, see some interesting animals (but just remember not to go near a wild animal and scare them), pee in the trees without a care, take a swim, run around naked (make sure no one sees you), and make your own healthy nature cooked-meal (don’t touch anything poisonous). With nature, you don’t have to worry about anyone judging you because NO ONE WILL BE THERE! Doing the majority of these things, you can start again in the city as a new person. Your mind will be straight and your breath will be restored. It’s your choice: freedom to be free or let the noise and smog keep everything about you cramped inside.


Sunday, October 17, 2010

Creative Non-Fiction: The First Time I Went Swimming

The first time I swam was one of my most memorable experiences. I wouldn’t think of floating on top of water or diving into the deepest end. It was a scary moment swimming for the first time. I wore a nice fitting bathing suit and a pink rubber floaty that had tropical flowers and funny-looking dinosaurs attached to it. The first time I swam was the first time I felt like a professional swimmer.
Wearing my two-piece pink bathing suit and matching pink floaty, I slowly took off my flowery flip flops and gave it to my mother. Stepping onto the pool concrete, I tapped my foot onto the cool pool water and then dipped both of my feet limb by limb until my whole body was fully submerged into the water. The water was a little chilly but the hot sun beaming down helped to warm me up. I made little splashes and waded around in circles making donut wrinkles in the water. I did this while anxiously waiting for my instructor.
A fit older woman approached me with a friendly grin. “I guess it is my swimming instructor,” I thought. We moved into a little bit deeper end. Five feet to be exact. I was four feet and nine inches, so I definitely had to learn how to float on my own. Torture. My instructor first taught me how to breathe underwater by blowing bubbles through my nose. I thought, “Wouldn’t boogers escape through my nostrils and contaminate the water?” Answer, “I do not mind that at all.” I took a deep breath and dunked my head into the water, seeing bubbles reaching the surface like I was my own scuba diving air tank. My instructor smiled at my accomplishment. For the rest of my 1-hour lesson, I learned how to kick with two feet. My legs were pretty weak and gentle that I only made quiet splashes. I held onto the blue board and kicked, kicked, and kicked as hard as I could. My legs became a long propeller forcing me to glide forward to the deepest end: 8 feet deep. I held on to the rail bordering the entire pool; so that I didn’t have the urge to accidently drown myself. I climbed the steel ladder and walked carefully and quickly to the diving board. Even the gentleness of the cool breeze struck against my skin with frosty lightning bolts that a human is too blind to see. My instructor told me to step on the edge of the diving board. I felt like I was risking my life for a certain purpose: learning how to not make a cannon ball and splash all the water out of the pool, leaving me stuck at the bottom of the pool. I jumped as far forward as I could and landed safely without becoming a human meteorite. My instructor grinned at my second accomplishment. The first time I swam was the last time I learned my strokes and many diving skills in order to become a professional swimmer.

Friday, October 15, 2010

How is My Child Performing in School?

Prompt #32: In a small minority of schools across the nation, students do not earn grades; rather, they receive regular written and oral evaluations of their work. Some people believe that this is more effective for learning than the grading system, which they believe rewards students unevenly and encourages a competitiveness that is counterproductive to learning. How do you feel about this issue? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
Do you wonder how your child is performing in school? As a parent or guardian you receive your child’s grades from school. If it’s a bad report card, you ask your son or daughter the reason for his or her poor performance. Parents lecture and/or punish their son or daughter to do better in school but the child does not put forth the effort to perform well for the next higher level. This can leave your child behind; and the child will not be able to retain concepts from the previous level in order to succeed in school. To prevent this poor performance from each student who does not do well, schools should use teacher and student evaluations to grade a student’s performance, rather than using scores or letter grades.
The traditional grading system using the A through F scale can be very opinionated. Teachers grade each student differently based on their grading scale. Some teachers can play “favorites” in their classes and decide to give a higher grade for the well-behaved students and a lower grade for the trouble-making students. When I was a freshman at City Honors High School, my former biology teacher, Ms. Coppola, always loved me as one of her best students. For fall and spring semester of 9th grade, I received an A+, although, for those students who always gave her a hard time failed fall semester. Later on, those students who failed had to retake biology for one semester, just because they misbehaved in class, even though they turned in their own quality of work.
Using evaluations to grade a student’s performance allows students to improve on concepts for a certain class. This method is an effective way for students and parents to work on the materials covered in class, so that the student can catch up onto the next lesson. If the student is having trouble with that concept, his or her teacher can offer a tutoring session with the student to improve on the topics already discussed. Seeing a letter grade does not tell the student exactly what he or she needs to improve on. For example, the Oxbow School in Napa Valley is a rigorously academic and art intense school for juniors and seniors to have the opportunity to explore the visual arts and humanities. As an alumnus of this semester school, I remembered typing my self-evaluations for art and humanities class. Once I had finished evaluating my progress, the teacher of each class gives a written report on how I did in that class. The teachers’ suggestions in my art and academic work sufficiently helped me improve on certain aspects in my art-making and my 20+ typed papers, and journaling helped to freely flow my creative process. After I graduated, I felt very accomplished to move on to the university level and face new challenges.
Schools that use evaluations to track a student’s performance will enable students to advance to the next higher level. Once a student accomplishes a goal to work on, he or she is able fulfill the accomplishment much easier. That student will be able to face new challenges and expand on their learning. Remember when you walked your first step as an infant. Yes, you have fallen and stumbled a few times but it took your parent or guardian to push you forward and practice walking. When you knew how to walk on your own, you discovered how to run without falling flat on your face. Your parents or guardians knew that you felt expert to finally know how to walk and run like the grown-ups.
Teacher and student self-evaluations are an excellent tool to use to proctor a student’s performance in their academia. Students will be able to know exactly everything they need to do to improve and be caught up on their understanding of a subject. Allowing the students the opportunity to evaluate themselves can help them reflect on their progress. Most of the time students will evaluate harsher on themselves than really the teacher. Then, the teacher will know how you think you progressed in the class. Letter grades do not tell you much about how well a student did in class; it is actually a “cheaper” way to pass by a student. So, how does your child think he or she performed in school?

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Doctor AJ

I am Dr. A.J. ready to help you. I am the best eye doctor anyone in this county can find. I have a private office in Downtown Los Angeles and my phone line is on 24/7. If there is an emergency, I will be notified ASAP. Do not call me about pets nor whining little children that has a terrible cold. I only specialize in the "eye field". I can make your eye appointments very flexible and making that payment, NO WORRIES. I have special qualified loans for that. This is NOT the chance to get in free! Loans are only given before you arrive for your appointment. NO EXCEPTIONS! Our staff is extra friendly. Adult friendly and kid friendly. I am allergic to pets, so no pet friendly either. The reception has comfortable massage chairs, a grandeur library, and a soundproof Kiddy Corner for the kids up to 12 years old can play and scream all day. I have the latest technology to treat all of your eye problems and I guarantee you little or no pain. I have had satisfied customers and not one person had uneffective results. So come! If you have eye troubles, call or text at 342-EYE-DROP or email me at

Twenty Feet Tall

A life as a person that is twenty feet tall is very scary. I don't think I will be able to handle that height. I want to be tall, but come on!! That is WAAAYYY too tall! I can reach so many things but people will call me a giant freak. They''ll think I have gigantism, a disease where I have freakishly huge height, arms, legs, and even feet. I might stumble over people and some random person might call Animal Control and yell, "Help! There is a huge beast that's destroying our city!! HELP!!" Before you know it, they might throw me to the dogpound. Those vicious dogs will cut me limb from limb just to make me shorter. If I am able to escape, I will just be a limbless elf that has no feet, no calfs, no hands, and no other half of the arms. So long normal life. Like I was normal when I was twenty feet tall in the first place.

One Thing I Am Really Good At

The one thing I am really good at is coming up with new ideas in making art pieces. I get my inspiration by observing everything that I see everyday: people, plants, cars, pigeons, signs, stores, food menus, my bedroom, my backyard, and etc. I see something at one moment and then in a second I already have an artisitic idea. Usually I draw it and use my soft-colored pastels, but sometimes I use objects I find all over my house or wherever I stay and invent a new project. There are so many ideas I can come up with, I wish I had a camera in my brain and take a picture of everything. Luckily, I have the skill to sketch or write down my thoughts very quickly. That is my talent, and it something I am really good at.

A New Kind of Sandwich

Here's an invention of a new kind of sandwich. It has two whole wheat breads that holds these ingredients in this exact order on each bread, except for #8:
  1. Crispy lettuce
  2. Freshly cut tomato (FYI- I hate tomatoes, but I think it would appetize those who love them)
  3. Olive Oil
  4. Mayonaise
  5. Yellow Mustard
  6. Oregano
  7. Baked honey glazed chicken
  8. Two giant Meatballs
  9. Prego Tomato Sauce
Now put it together.
I call it the Prego Giaganto Chicken Glaze Sandwich. Bon Appetite!!

Winning Something

Coming soon.


If I were to have a super duper power,
It has to something I can use for more than an hour.
I don't want to be invisible,
nor something lame to nible.
I want something cool,
but nothing stupid to make me drool.
My superhero name is Reeses,
who has telekinesis.

I am Reeses,
with telekinesis.
I move objects big and small,
including the Great Wall.
I use my eyes
to make you wiggle your thighs.
And use my hands
to move the entire marching band.
I use my mind
to help you find,
the fiend of great mystery
that can destroy the human history.

I am Reeses,
with telekinesis.
If you do anything wrong.
I'll hit you by the gong.

One Member of My Extended Family

There is one particular person I miss very dearly. My uncle. He always visited me for 10 years of my life. By the age of 11, he moved to Nebraska and married my new aunt. My uncle was and still is my second father. I didn't have a father for 12 years until my mother got married the second time. Now I have a third father. My uncle was always the "tech-guy". When my mother and I got our first home computer, he helped assemble it and gave us instructions on how it worked. My mother was always the confused one who cannot work with technology that well, but since my uncle left, his knowledge passed down to me, and now I am the "tech-chick". When my uncle comes for my high school graduation, my family and I would spend time together like how the family used to be. Just like old times. This time I would be the one driving. It'll be a complete surprise to him. My uncle taught me how to ride a bike when I was about 6 years old but I never practiced, so at that point I didn't know how to ride a bike. One of our phone conversations recently was about me learning how to drive. He said,"If you can't ride a bike, then how on earth are you going to able to drive?" We both laughed. I told him,"I ridden a bike recently and had gotten a few bruises, but I am very sure I can drive a car." We both laughed again.
If is one member of my extended family that I would spend an afternoon with, it would be my Uncle Ronald, my second father.

Would I Want to Visit the Moon?

I would love to visit the moon.
I want to experience no gravity and gently fall into the huge craters.
I want to kick moondust and blow it into the atmosphere.
I want to do cartwheels in the atmosphere and float around the planet.
I want to touch a star, if any are around, and make a wish on it.
I want to have a sleepover, or a good ol' fashioned campout, with no fire of course.
I would love to visit the moon.

Several Ways You Can Earn Money

Are you a older teen that needs money? Are you desperate to buy that new car? To buy those shoes? Buy something for your girfriend or boyfriend? Well here some ways you can earn some "mooola"!

  1. If you have an afro and you usually wear it in a ponytail, tell your friends to pay you a 5 dollars for wearing your afro out for the entire school week.
  2. Ask your neighbors to walk their dogs.
  3. Make gift cards for special holidays.
  4. Sell donuts at your school.
  5. Have a "Give a Dork a Wedgie Day"
  6. Have a carnival.
  7. GET A JOB!!!
  8. GET A JOB!!!
  9. FIND A JOB!!!
  10. Have a street performance at a park to earn some change.

The Baby Dragon

Deep in the snowy mountains of Bavaria, Germany, there was a green stubby elf shivering in the cold. The snowstorm blew him left and right; the elf flew into the air and made sore crash to the ground. The elf was on a journey to search for food and water, but all he saw was a bunch of snow. No sunlight! The only source of light he could use was his shiny red, rudolph nose. The elf was originally Rudolph, the red-nose reindeer, but because Santa died and turned to pixie dust, Rudolph transformed into a lonely elf. Even Santa's wife truned into a withering tree. Curse the day Santa passed away. Rudolph had no choice but to wonder in the lonely mountains of neverending snow.

Suddenly, a ball of fire pierced through the sky.

Favorite Season

What's more calm than the season of Spring. Spring is a special time where the weather is just right with a slight April shower, May blossoms, and June moons. Spring is a special time where every living being becomes born or reborn. I was born in may; Every time day Eight comes, I rebirth to a new age...a new person. Spring is a special time when I could really create something new. It has more colors to present itself. More pinks and blues, greens and purples, silver and gold, and colors of galore. Spring is the place and time where I can develop such grand creativity. Spring helps refresh my mind of old venues in order to grow new venues. I would pick up my soft pastels from my bedroom and draw anything i observe or makeup in my head. In other words, Spring is a peaceful time and moment that I can ABSTRACT.

Game Show

Coming up soon.


The best thing about home is the sound of quiet noises. The quiet noises doesn't sound like anything. There is no sound. when I come home, I can rest peacefully. I can clear of all thoughts. I can sink into the cushion of my soft bed. My fingers unwind and melt into the negative space. My head rests on fluffy clouds. My butt softens. I am floating on air. Sweet dreams.

Working at a Football Stadium

At a football stadium, I would strangely work as a cheerleader. I am not a fan of cheer-leading since, stereotypically, cheerleaders are anorexic snobs that are human flame throwers destined to become deadly chicken bones gnawed by pain and death. On the other hand, if I was in a drill team (a type of cheer-leading) I can do more dance moves than being flipped around 24/7. I would be the head cheerleader creating all of the dance moves and add some stepping to the choreography. No more TWO-FOUR-SIX-EIGHT!! WHO DO WE F@#^%$& APPRECIATE!

Four Years Ago

Four years ago, I was at an awkward age. I was no longer a preteen and just became a teenager. Yes, I was 13. I thought that turning 13 would be exciting and I was much closer to becoming an adult. Come to find out, I was still treated like a young child by the older teens and, of course, adults. Even when I turned 13, I was still that same shy and quiet person I used to be. I didn't really express myself until I turned 15. I wish I expressed myself before I left middle school and somewhat of high school, but I wouldn't have that accomplishment of expressing myself and my talents without some type of downfall. Shyness is my downfall. Now I am growing as a young individual. REWIND. As an aspiring artist.

Monkey as a Pet

Why would a monkey make a good pet? It is like adopting a child from the wild forest from a Jungle Adoption Agency. Why would a monkey make a good pet?! Like a child, he or she or it throws random tantrums and then tries to rip your face off because you didn't give him or her or it what he or she or it wants. Why would I want a monkey as a pet?! They pee and poop everywhere that looks clean! Those stinky bastards!...I mean "stinky mustards"! Why can't I have a koala as a pet? They might have sharp claws but they are the sweetest creatures to hold, even though they weigh like a pound baby with heavy "bombs" in its diapers. Koalas are great climbers and might be closer to extinction. Why save a monkey with no manners if I can save a koala that can fit into the middle class? Higher class even! Someone convince me! Who is the better pet? A show-off monkey? Or a calm koala?

The Youngest Person

Coming up soon.

The Oldest Person

Coming up soon.

A Wonderful Painter

A wonderful painter as myself is painting something that will blow my mother's eyes. I am going to paint one of my own Sharpie drawings that has many loops and dips and lines alike. I have pink walls in my bedroom and a purple ceiling to top it off. I am wearing my smock that holds my brush tools. There are buckets of paints on the white cloth that covers the wooden-maple floor. I have these colors: black and white. Pretty simple I may admit, since I have a couple of black and white furniture. I will post a picture of my drawing soon, so that you can visualize what is on one of my bedroom walls. All I can say is that the drawing resembles my personality and abstract view of things.

The Bat Who Couldn't Fly

There once was a bat in a dark lonely cave.
He was different from the other bats and wasn't that brave.

The bat was black with white polka-dots.
His screech sounded like a broken tuba and guess what....HE COULD NOT FLY!
So, how is he able to go about his rounds?
Sadly, he only had a special wheelchair to work with on the ground.

There once was a bat who couldn't fly.
All of his other unimpaired friends said hi...
...then laughed.
suddenly, a hungry tornado entered the cave.
And gobbled up his "so-called" friends into the whirling dust of terror.
"Help, help!" his friends screeched out loud.

There once was a bat who couldn't fly.
His wheelchair transformed into a rocket with turbo jets.
Little did the bats and other creature know, this bat.
Yes, this bat.
Has super sonic sight like a pair of zoom-tastic binoculars.
In just a few seconds, the bat spotted the tornado.
and then weirdly, ate the tornado like a giant burrito.
Like bullets, the bat spit out his friends.
and as they came out his friends lifted him up with great cheer.
"Hooray, hooray!! Now let's get some beer."

Friday, October 1, 2010


Ice cream is tasty
From my tongue to my stomach
Yummy treat to eat

Water so tasteless
Refreshing and cooling blue
Crystal and light drink

Sweet flowers so sweet
Tweet, tweet, the little birds sing
Spring is coming. YAY!

Breathing free, oh me!
Fresh air to breathe, yes indeed
Healthy smell for me

Blond, blond. Golden, gold
That beautiful mane to see
Roar, roar. Lion roars

Drip, drop, drip, drip, drop
Tick, tock, tickety tock. Tock.
The quiet house speaks

Support. Encourage.
Start. Down and ease on up. End.
Educate. Make it.

Tip toe across. Stop!
Crawl on your knees. Be careful!
Bear in a cave. Run!

One, two. Buckle shoe.
Three, four. Gum stuck on the floor.
Five, six. Gummy sticks.

Dinosaur. Dino
Pebbles and Bam Bam. BAM! BAM!
Fred Flintstone. BARNEY!