Sunday, September 19, 2010

My Own Restaurant

If I were to own a restaurant, I would call it J'Adore de Francoise. My restaurant would be one of the finest fancy restaurant in the state of California. J'Adore de Francoise is in the city of Los Angeles in between Macy's and Nordstrums. The sign is in fancy letters that shines automatically in the moonlight. Coming in to this beautiful restaurant, there is a waiting room filled with appetizers (steamy croissants and fresh evergreen salad and dewdrop fruits that sparkle), 4 lounging benches, 6 tables with 5 chairs each, and a bar. Once your table is ready, a waiter escorts you through a white door. You would see a dance arena with live performances, more than 50 tables to eat, and a live kitchen performance to view the preparation of your lovely dish. You have a choice of steak, kangaroo, chicken, steamed fish, steamed vegetables, and an option of sushi. A taste you cannot imagine hired by the most professional chefs who came out the best culinary art schools. You would have nothing but zesty food, cooling deserts, refreshing beverages, and fun entertainment.


  1. That would be a great restaurant to eat at. Nice imagination.

  2. "... be one of the finest fancy restaurant in the state of California."
    You can do without fancy.
    Capitalize "once"
    "and a live kitchen performance to view the preparation of your lovely dish. "
    Um...I'm a bit confused.
    "A taste you cannot imagine hired by the most professional chefs who came out the best culinary art schools."
    Throw in some commas or add something in between. To the reader, it sounds like a run-on.
