Monday, September 6, 2010

The First Thing I Want in the Morning... an iced cold drink, preferably a strawberry or "any kind of berry" smoothie. I am always thirsty in the morning and I don't know why. Is it my cold bedroom? The dry air? Dust particles? Or what? Even a cup of water does not quench my thirst. I know I always mention smoothies in any of my conversations but it is a kind of special drink that needs special recognition. What is the "perfect" smoothie? The "perfect" smoothie has to have these unique qualities. First, the smoothie has to have the "perfect" temperature. Yes, a smoothie is a cold drink, but it cannot be lukewarm or frostbite cold. The "perfect" smoothie should not only cool the mind but the rest of my body. Secondly, the "perfect" smoothie needs to have the right texture. A smoothie is not a snow cone nor a slushy. The "perfect" smoothie has a crisp texture that will melt once it hits the tip of my tongue. Thirdly, the "perfect" smoothie has to have the taste of "perfection". It does not matter the combination of fruits you put in it, but the "perfect" smoothie has to be not so tart but not too watery where I would barely taste the flavour. My mouth already contains water, so why do I need MORE WATER?! Lastly, the "perfect" smoothie has to have the right flow to it. When I take a sip of that smoothie, I need those flavours to swirl up the straw like a gentle roller-coaster ride and not a straight shooter. That is as if I am trying to cheat my way of drinking the most deserving delicacy.

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