Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Do You Remember...?

Do you remember that time?
The time you were born
The time you cried for the light,
        to see who was your mother,
        who was your father.
You remember what happened that day.
        You had SCBT, a form of SCA.
        All you knew was that you were born "sick" and you might die with "anemia."

Do you remember that time?
The time, the first time...
        You started out trying a tricycle,
        and then graduated to a bicycle.
You thought a bicycle was easy to ride,
        but it took you 7 years to actually...
                reach the top of the cliff and,
                then swirve down,
                swirling out of control,
                sliding on the left side of your body and,
                get bruises that looked like a birthmark.
But yet, you finally learned how to ride that bike.

Do you remember?
        Yes, I remember.
        I remember those days and it was
                time well spent.
I remembered before and I remembered then.
I was yesterday and now today.

But eventually my hair will turn gray.

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