Thursday, September 9, 2010

Imagine I had a Hundred Dollars

What if I had a hundred dollars? Would I go shoe shopping? Buy a house? Make an investment and get even more hundreds of dollars? Millions EVEN?! for me (at least for now) is not my biggest priority, or even a priority to begin with. All I do is save...and save...AND SAVE!...until I get a lot of money to not have to ask or beg my mother for an allowance. That is why I got VISA debit card this summer for my vacation excursion.
But if I had a hundred dollars, I would make an investment on stocks (assuming I have the skill to know the statistic of each successful stock market). It is not what you think. I am using those stocks to donate to good causes, my cause especially. The cause I practically grew up with. I would support the Sickle Cell Foundation and other Sickle Cell organizations in any way with those stocks to find a cure for this disease. In addition, I can use those stocks to help fund any events or fundraisers directing towards this specific condition, such as the Torch Run for Life for children with blood disorders. If I had a hundred dollars, these children and adults of this disease can be cured, and yet save my life.

1 comment:

  1. awwwwwwww oh yeah you have this :|... i forget cause its not visible in the surface O.o... i felt something ou tof this... but i didnt know the research company was called the sickle cell foundation... i dont know much about medicine :|
