Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Outdoor Living

Dear Person,
You are missing out on the wonderful things of outdoor living. Every once in awhile you need travel to an exclusive place where there is a lot of scenery (plants, trees, and animals), fresh air, and less people to distract you. The beauty of outdoor living gives you a different outlook on life itself and cleans out the brain of any toxic incidences in your life. Outdoor living (AKA nature) can reach you to a new potential of gaining new skills that you can use in your everyday life. Nature brings more light into your eyes and can cure the abuse from smog and everyday toxins from city air. You are able to breathe much better! You will feel rejuvenated and much more alive than spending your entire time in a stuffy apartment that brainwashes you to suck in dirty and any foreign air. Yes, your apartment is your home and the city environment is what you are used to, but I challenge you to experience a different adventure. I challenge you to go row a boat down a calm stream, smell the freshly grown trees and plants, see some interesting animals (but just remember not to go near a wild animal and scare them), pee in the trees without a care, take a swim, run around naked (make sure no one sees you), and make your own healthy nature cooked-meal (don’t touch anything poisonous). With nature, you don’t have to worry about anyone judging you because NO ONE WILL BE THERE! Doing the majority of these things, you can start again in the city as a new person. Your mind will be straight and your breath will be restored. It’s your choice: freedom to be free or let the noise and smog keep everything about you cramped inside.


1 comment:

  1. Funny post! I understand what you mean, I always wanted to go hunting with a spear and nothing but my humanoid instincts!!!
