Sunday, November 28, 2010


Conveniences. How does that change people's lives? Conveniences are like good spoilers. They can give you exactly what you need without searching really hard to find something. Conveniences are like training wheels on a bicycle. They are handy little helpers that can help you with whatever you need help with. Conveniences can be considered a good thing or a bad thing. Good and bad conveniences notice when you need help, but there is a slight difference. Good conveniences can give you a hint to something that is worthwhile in the long run. People can use that convenience to give them an extra push towards another level they need to reach. Bad conveniences are another story. Bad conveniences do help you but they give you something that is a short cut to reach a certain goal. People use those short cuts that will get them somewhere, but end up realizing the consequences, such as losing a friend, death of an innocent person, or just plain greed. Now conveniences are just plain conveniences but it depnds on the human race to really determine how they use those conveniences. Are those conveniences we encounter good and end up bad or vice versa?

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